Eridian Avatar
Eridian Avatar


🏡 Ethereum Settler:

April 2021

(1186 days ago)

This website is a public tracker of my past and current Ethereum ecosystem projects and ideas.

Current Areas of Focus






🗓️ Timeline View

14 Dec 2023

1 Jul 2024

Cyfrin Logo

Solidity Audit Course

GitHub Foundry Docs

Alerting Docs

AavePM Logo

Aave Position Manager - 0.0.1

Lido Logo

Lido - Simple DVT Spaces

Eridian Hub Logo

Eridian Hub

SSV Logo

SSV - Mainnet Launch Call

DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - Kenya Phase 2

1000 Days In Crypto

Lido Logo

Lido - Community Lifeguards Spaces

Lido Logo

Lido - Obol Workshop

EtherFi Logo

EtherFi - Solo Staking Office Hours

Lido Logo

Lido - SSV Workshop

Eridian Profile Pic Update

Foundry Solidity Course

Lido Logo

Lido - Simple DVT Workshop

DevConnect 2023 Logo

DevConnect 2023 - Staking Gathering

Staking Gathering 2023 DVT Panel

DevConnect 2023 Logo

DevConnect 2023 - Staking Summit

Lido Logo

Lido - Simple DVT Trial Participant

Eridian Public Docs

DVStakers - Mini Node

DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - Mainnet 7/10 Cluster


Lido Logo

Lido - Is Lido good for Ethereum?

Lido - Community Staking Podcast Series

DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - MEV Boost Cluster Code

DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - Rural Kenya Node

SSV Logo

SSV - Grants Committee Member

Etherfi Logo

Etherfi - Scaling Solo Staking

SSV - Incentivized Mainnet Program Administrator

Scaled Node Operators KB

Lido Logo

Lido - Community Call Kenya Node

Staking Directory Logo

Staking Directory - Research Link Update Logo - First DVT Mainnet Block Proposal

SSV Logo

SSV - Mainnet Limited Launch Call

Blockswap Buzz Logo

Blockswap Buzz - DVT Interview

DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - Raspberry Pi Investigation

Lido - Community Lifeguards Coordinator

EthCC Logo

EthCC[6] - Paris

EtherFi Logo - Twitter Spaces

DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - Kenya Node 🇰🇪

Diva - LST Spaces

EthStaker Logo

EthStaker - Interview

SSV Logo

SSV - Docs

Staking Directory Logo

Staking Directory Logo - Docs Logo - Operation Solo Staker

DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - GPT4 Updater

ETHPlus Logo


Eridian Avatar

Staking Calculator

Lido Logo

Lido - SSV DVT Trial

DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - Charon Docker Fork

EF Logo

Staking Spreadsheet

Lido Logo

Lido - Obol DVT Trial

Lazy Multi-Block MEV

DVStakers Logo


lsdETH Logo

lsdETH Hackathon

StakeWise Logo

StakeWise V3 Testnet

EthDenver Logo

ETHDenver 2023

Obol Docs Review

NFT Image Locator Logo

NFT Image Locator

Staking Rewards Logo

Staking Summit 2022

EthStaker Logo

EthStaker Knowledge Base

DevCon 2022 Logo

DevCon 2022

Hardhat - Fund Me

Ethereum Solo Staking

Cyfrin Logo

Solidity Audit Course

Smart Contract Security and Auditing Course.

1 Jul 2024

1 days


Updraft Cyfrin

Cyfrin Course
AavePM Logo

Aave Position Manager - 0.0.1

Solidity smart contract.

19 Feb 2024

133 days

30 Jun 2024

A project to send ETH to an address on any network (but initially just on mainnet or Base) and automatically convert it into a leveraged position on Aave on Base that rebalances to maintain a consistent Health Factor. USDC can also be borrowed and withdrawn directly from the position.

AavePM V1
SSV Logo

SSV - Mainnet Launch Call

Discussing the SSV Incentivized Mainnet Program.

10 Jan 2024

SSV Mainnet Launch Call
Lido Logo

Lido - Community Lifeguards Spaces

Introducing Stakesaurus and Enti as two new Lido Community Lifeguards.

20 Dec 2023

Lido Community Lifeguards Intro Spaces
Lido Logo

Lido - SSV Workshop

SSV Validator Setup - Episode 1 - Lido Community Staking Series.

6 Dec 2023

Lido SSV Workshop
Lido Logo

Lido - Simple DVT Workshop

Presenting a DVT workshop at the Lido Connect event in Istanbul.

16 Nov 2023

Lido Simple DVT Workshop
DevConnect 2023 Logo

DevConnect 2023 - Staking Summit

Staking Rewards Staking Summit in Istanbul.

10 Nov 2023

2 days

11 Nov 2023

Staking Summit 2023

DVStakers - Mini Node

A small machine capable of running only the DVT clients on Dappnode.

12 Oct 2023

61 days

11 Dec 2023

A small, low cost, Intel machine created by Homenode and developed in collaboration with DVStakers. This machine doesn't have the specs to run a full chain, but can connect to another machine that is running a full chain to participate in a DVT cluster.

DVStakers Mini Node
Lido Logo

Lido - Is Lido good for Ethereum?

Community Staking Blog Series #1.

25 Sept 2023

Answering questions like "What even is Lido?" and "Is Lido against solo stakers?". This is the first post in the Lido Community Staking Contributor Series.

Lido Blog Post Cover 1
DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - Rural Kenya Node

Setting up a Starlink Ethereum Validator in rural Kenya.

12 Sept 2023

125 days

14 Jan 2024

Supported by grants from the Ethereum Foundation and Lido.

DVStakers Kenya Starlink

SSV - Incentivized Mainnet Program Administrator

Performing the monthly calculations to produce the Merkle root.

6 Sept 2023

300 days


SSV Incentivized Mainnet Program Distributions
Staking Directory Logo

Staking Directory - Research Link Update

Adding research links and live APR data from Rated Network.

24 Aug 2023

14 days

6 Sept 2023

Staking Directory Research Link Update
Blockswap Buzz Logo

Blockswap Buzz - DVT Interview

DVT is the Future of Ethereum Staking

1 Aug 2023

Blockswap Buzz Cover
EthCC Logo

EthCC[6] - Paris

A week in Paris meeting teams focused on staking and DVT.

17 Jul 2023

5 days

21 Jul 2023

EthCC Cover

Diva - LST Spaces

Talking about DVT protocols and Diva.

28 Jun 2023

A Twitter Spaces hosted by EthStaker talking about the launch of the Diva LST protocol.

Staking Directory Logo

Staking Directory

A community-maintained directory of Ethereum staking providers.

22 May 2023

155 days

23 Oct 2023

Staking Directory Cover
DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - GPT4 Updater

Using Chat GPT-4 to automatically update the docker-compose.yaml image versions.

29 Apr 2023

6 days

4 May 2023

GPT4 Prompt
Eridian Avatar

Staking Calculator

Comparing ETH staking rewards over 20 years by customizing the initial conditions.

15 Apr 2023

Staking Calculator
EF Logo

Staking Spreadsheet

A grant from the EF to build a Spreadsheet showing all the staking options available on Ethereum.

22 Mar 2023

15 days

5 Apr 2023

Currently being reviewed by the EF.

Staking Spreadsheet
DVStakers Logo


The journey of Ethereum solo stakers to distributed validator staking.

1 Mar 2023

489 days


Join us on an adventure as dedicated Ethereum solo stakers prepare to run Distributed Validator Technology (DVT) on the Ethereum mainnet. We aim to document of our journey, offering valuable insights, sharing our experiences, and fostering a supportive community for enthusiasts and experts alike.

DVStakers Infrastructure
EthDenver Logo

ETHDenver 2023

A conference in Denver where I attended the hackathon and worked on staking related projects.

24 Feb 2023

10 days

5 Mar 2023

Eth Denver 2023
Staking Rewards Logo

Staking Summit 2022

A one day conference in Lisbon hosted by Staking Rewards all about Ethereum Staking.

8 Nov 2022

Staking Summit 2022

Hardhat - Fund Me

Hardhat course.

10 Aug 2022

171 days

27 Jan 2023

A template repo forked from the template HardHat example project.

Hardhat Fund Me

GitHub Foundry Docs

Automated docs deployment to GitHub pages.

16 Apr 2024

3 days

18 Apr 2024

Detailed instructions showing how to automatically deploy a documentation site using GitHub actions when a repo is updated. The docs are built by Foundry using NATSPEC comments.

GitHub Foundry Docs
Lido Logo

Lido - Simple DVT Spaces

SimpleDVT & Solo Staking updates and discussion with the Lido Community Lifeguards.

1 Feb 2024

Lido Simple DVT Spaces
DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - Kenya Phase 2

Setting up an off-the-grid Ethereum node in Kenya.

1 Jan 2024

20 days

20 Jan 2024

Phase 2 Goal: To set up a fully off-the-grid Ethereum validator in a rural village in Kenya, supporting the local community through education.

DVStakers Kenya Node Phase 2
Lido Logo

Lido - Obol Workshop

Obol Validator Setup - Episode 2 - Lido Community Staking Series.

15 Dec 2023

Lido Obol Workshop

Eridian Profile Pic Update

Using AI to update my profile picture.

30 Nov 2023

Eridian Image Update 1
DevConnect 2023 Logo

DevConnect 2023 - Staking Gathering

Staking focused event organized by EthStaker in Istanbul.

13 Nov 2023

2 days

14 Nov 2023

Staking Gathering 2023
Lido Logo

Lido - Simple DVT Trial Participant

Participating in the Lido Simple DVT trial using both Obol and SSV.

3 Nov 2023

242 days


Lido Simple DVT
DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - Mainnet 7/10 Cluster

Setting up a solo staker mainnet cluster with 7/10 operators.

3 Oct 2023

15 days

17 Oct 2023

DVStakers 7 10 Mainnet Cluster

Lido - Community Staking Podcast Series

An interview series about Ethereum Staking.

20 Sept 2023

162 days

28 Feb 2024

Hosted by Community Staking Lifeguard Eridian, this podcast delves into the intricacies of both solo staking, DVT, permissioned validators and the broader staking ecosystem as a whole. This series will explore the strategies, challenges, and opportunities that make this thriving community tick giving oversight into hardware requirements, MEV, client packages and real life experiences as told by the guests. Join us for in-depth conversations, expert insights, and tips to level up your Ethereum staking knowledge.

Lido Community Staking Podcast Cover
SSV Logo

SSV - Grants Committee Member

Joining the SSV Grants Committee to review and process grant applications for the SSV DAO.

7 Sept 2023

190 days

14 Mar 2024

SSV Grants Committee Vote

Scaled Node Operators KB

A section on the EthStaker Knowledge Base for large scale node operators.

1 Sept 2023

122 days

31 Dec 2023

Written in collaboration with GatewayFM this set of knowledge base articles is aimed at operators running a significant number of validators (approximately 100 or more).

Scaled Node Operators KB Logo - First DVT Mainnet Block Proposal

Operation Solo Staker proposed their first Ethereum mainnet block using DVT.

23 Aug 2023

This block was proposed using DVT validators with solo stakers running from home, with Obol and DAppNode, making it successful and easy!

Etherfi Mainnet DVT Block
DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - Raspberry Pi Investigation

Testing Raspberry Pi DVT clients with remote Beacon Nodes.

31 Jul 2023

59 days

27 Sept 2023

Can @ObolNetwork and @ssv_network clusters run using @DAppNode on a Raspberry Pi... but with a remote Beacon Node? 📡 What's the distance limit for DVT operators? Is validator effectiveness impacted? As part of @ether_fi Operation Solo Staker, we're planning to find out 🧪

DVStakers Raspberry Pi
EtherFi Logo - Twitter Spaces

Twitter spaces for NFTs.

10 Jul 2023

Speaking as a DVT solo staking community member on the Twitter Spaces for their launch.

EtherFan Cover
EthStaker Logo

EthStaker - Interview

Talking about the EthStaker Educator role & DVStakers.

18 Jun 2023

An interview with EthStaker talking about the educator role as well as what DVStakers is and a quick explanation of DVT. Logo - Docs

Updating the Documentation GitBook.

18 May 2023

59 days

15 Jul 2023

Mainly focused on Operation Solo Staker documentation, but I also updated the other pages and standardized the content style. Docs
ETHPlus Logo


A reward-generating Ethereum Liquid Staking Token basket with over-collateralized protection.

20 Apr 2023

26 days

15 May 2023

I started this project at the Reserve Hackathon in ETHDenver 2023. I won the hackathon presentation and continued to work on deploying the token. This was a great opportunity to learn about DeFi and LSTs.

ETHPlus Mandate
Lido Logo

Lido - SSV DVT Trial

A community staker participating in a DVT trial.

13 Apr 2023

93 days

14 Jul 2023

Lido Logo

Lido - Obol DVT Trial

A community staker participating in a DVT trial.

14 Mar 2023

73 days

25 May 2023

Lido Obol DVT
lsdETH Logo

lsdETH Hackathon

Reserve hackathon winner at ETHDenver 2023.

1 Mar 2023

I designed a community-supported Ethereum Liquid Staking Token (LST) basket.

lsdETH Presentation

Obol Docs Review

Updating Obol documentation.

10 Feb 2023

39 days

20 Mar 2023

Obol Docs Example
EthStaker Logo

EthStaker Knowledge Base

An unbiased, open-source collection of useful information and concepts about Ethereum staking.

20 Oct 2022

438 days

31 Dec 2023

EthStaker KB

Ethereum Solo Staking

Running Ethereum solo home staking validators.

22 Jul 2022

528 days

31 Dec 2023

Update: From Solo Staking to... DVT Staking! Still using the same hardware at home 🏡

Home Staking Nuc

Alerting Docs

Documentation showing how to configure machine alerting and monitoring.

10 Apr 2024

11 days

20 Apr 2024

Alerting Docs
Eridian Hub Logo

Eridian Hub

A live dashboard to display on chain data.

22 Jan 2024

161 days

30 Jun 2024

This project isn't currently open source. I'm using it as a testing platform for other integrations so it wouldn't be very useful in its current state to anyone else. Once it gets to a more stable state I will make it open source.

Eridian Hub Logo

1000 Days In Crypto

Marking 1000 days since I started in crypto.

27 Dec 2023

Eridian 1000 Days
EtherFi Logo

EtherFi - Solo Staking Office Hours

Final solo staker office hours call.

8 Dec 2023

The final office hours call as the coordinator for Operation Solo Staker. I remain a participant but am handing over the coordination back to the EtherFi team.

EtherFi Office Hours

Foundry Solidity Course

A comprehensive solidity course in Foundry.

25 Nov 2023

94 days

26 Feb 2024

Foundry Course

Staking Gathering 2023 DVT Panel

Hosting a panel discussing DVT protocols at the EthStaker Staking Gathering in Istanbul.

13 Nov 2023

Staking Gathering 2023 DVT Panel

Eridian Public Docs

Public documentation site for all my content.

2 Nov 2023

8 days

9 Nov 2023

Eridian Docs


How to decentralize Ethereum staking.

2 Oct 2023

Kipu Spaces
DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - MEV Boost Cluster Code

A docker-compose creation script for generating an Obol cluster.

16 Sept 2023

23 days

8 Oct 2023

This script was written to allow any number of Obol nodes to be run on a single machine. It also supports MEV Boost using Teku as the VC.

DVStakers MEV Boost Cover Image
Etherfi Logo

Etherfi - Scaling Solo Staking

An X spaces with @nixorokish @sassal0x discussing DVT and how to scale solo staking on Ethereum.

6 Sept 2023

Lido Logo

Lido - Community Call Kenya Node

Presenting the DVStakers Kenya Node.

29 Aug 2023

Lido Community Call Kenya Node
SSV Logo

SSV - Mainnet Limited Launch Call

Discussing how MEV works on SSV.

1 Aug 2023

SSV Mainnet Call

Lido - Community Lifeguards Coordinator

Supporting diversification of the Lido node operator set.

27 Jul 2023

249 days

31 Mar 2024

Lido LEGO Council selected me as the community representative for their Community Lifeguards Initiative. My goal is simple, to support the diversification of the Lido node operator set, enabling thousands of home stakers to participate in validating Ethereum. Does that mean I work for Lido? No. I'm a community member who has received a grant from the Lido grants council so my views and content will always remain neutral, impartial, and my own.

DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - Kenya Node 🇰🇪

Setting up an Ethereum node in Kenya.

2 Jul 2023

8 days

9 Jul 2023

DVStakers helped to set up a proof of concept Ethereum DVT node in Nairobi.

DVStakers Kenya Node
SSV Logo

SSV - Docs

Updating the installation documentation for SSV.

26 May 2023

SSV Installation Docs Logo - Operation Solo Staker

DVT Home Staking. Decentralizing Ethereum one node at a time!

12 May 2023

417 days


As a Solo Staker ambassador for I wrote the documentation for the program and now continue to participate as a node operator in their solo staker clusters. Solo Staker Meme

This website 👀

18 Apr 2023

44 days

31 May 2023

Date Slider Designs
DVStakers Logo

DVStakers - Charon Docker Fork

A customized fork of the Charon Docker cluster running a 6/9 threshold.

23 Mar 2023

35 days

26 Apr 2023

DVStakers Charon Docker Fork

Lazy Multi-Block MEV

Profitable Censorship through Lazy Multi-Block MEV.

12 Mar 2023

I wrote this blog post after discussions I had at ETHDenver 2023 with @MTorgin and @austonst.

Multi-block MEV Cover Image
StakeWise Logo

StakeWise V3 Testnet

Contributed to testing StakeWise V3 Vaults.

1 Mar 2023

41 days

10 Apr 2023

During this trial, I set up the vault "Eridian Staked ETH" with the token EridianETH. I then added a number of validators to the vault, each of which ran on a different platform. One ran on a vanilla validator on my home machine, one ran on a local Obol DVT cluster, and one ran on a distributed DVStakers Obol DVT cluster.

EridianETH Vault
NFT Image Locator Logo

NFT Image Locator

A simple React app using Chakra UI for finding the image location of an NFT.

6 Feb 2023

18 days

23 Feb 2023

NFT Image Locator App
DevCon 2022 Logo

DevCon 2022

Attended my first Ethereum conference in Bogota.

11 Oct 2022

4 days

14 Oct 2022

DevCon 2022 Cover